Lance Corporal Richard Jones, the winner of Britain’s Got Talent in 2016, is doing something incredible this holiday season. He is working with Spread a Smile, a charity in London that supports seriously ill children in NHS hospitals and hospices. Richard, along with nearly 600 volunteers, is busy packing hampers full of gifts for these children. The planning for these Christmas hampers started in May, and the goal is to pack 1,750 gifts by mid-December. This means the volunteers will be putting in over 115 hours of work to make sure everything is ready on time.

Richard has been involved with Spread a Smile for two years now, visiting children in hospitals to perform magic tricks for them. He has seen firsthand how something as simple as a smile can make a big difference in the lives of these children. When he visits, he sees the children light up with excitement, and he knows that he is bringing them some joy during a difficult time. The happiness that his visits bring lasts long after he leaves, giving families something positive to hold onto.

One of the other ambassadors for Spread a Smile is Varun Mahatme, who was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 11. He first encountered the charity when he was in the hospital, and they brought a magician to visit him. That visit helped lift his spirits and take his mind off his illness, and he has been involved with the charity ever since. Varun believes that the support Spread a Smile provides is essential for the mental well-being of these children and their families.

Spread a Smile is going all out for Christmas this year, making sure that each child receiving a hamper gets something special. The hampers are personalized for each child, with siblings also receiving a box. The charity knows that having a seriously ill sibling can be tough on children, so they want to make sure everyone feels included and cared for.

Spread a Smile was founded in 2013 after the nephew of one of the co-founders was diagnosed with cancer. A visit from a magician brought joy to the young boy, and from that moment on, the charity was dedicated to bringing joy to more children facing similar challenges. If you want to learn more about Spread a Smile or donate to support their cause, you can visit their website.

This holiday season, let’s all take a moment to appreciate the work that Spread a Smile is doing to bring some happiness to seriously ill children and their families. It’s amazing to see how a simple gesture like a magic trick or a smile can make such a big difference in someone’s life.