Hospital Theatre Nurses Successfully End Months-Long Strike

Theatre nurses at two central London hospitals have successfully ended their months-long strike against the extension of their shift times, the union representing them has announced. After negotiations with Unite, Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals have agreed to reduce the number of late-night finishes required of the nurses.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham commended the theatre nurses for their solidarity in standing up against unsustainable working hours. She emphasized the importance of proper investment in healthcare and the detrimental effects of overworking staff.

Around 100 nurses participated in strike action over the summer months after their shift end time was pushed back from 8pm to 9pm. This change came after their shifts had already been extended from 7pm to 8pm, with the addition of Saturday shifts to support extra theatre lists.

As a result of the negotiations, Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals have agreed to limit the shift extension to two days a week. A hospital spokeswoman expressed the desire to resolve the dispute in order to focus on providing care to more patients and reducing waiting lists, while also addressing the concerns raised by the staff.

While all scheduled strike actions have been called off, Unite will continue to engage with the hospitals on other issues related to the nurses’ working hours. The trust has agreed to extend the nurses’ industrial action mandate until March 12, 2025, to allow for further discussions to take place.

The resolution of this strike marks a significant victory for the theatre nurses at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals, as they have successfully advocated for better working conditions and patient care. The unity and determination shown by the nurses throughout this challenging period have ultimately led to a positive outcome for all parties involved.