An analysis of gravitational data from the LIGO detector has provided new insights into the search for a wave-like form of dark matter known as scalar-field dark matter.

Gravitational-wave observatories like LIGO detect tiny changes in the length of interferometer arms, which can be as small as one millionth the width of an atomic nucleus. These detectors have the potential to pick up signals from scalar-field dark matter, which is expected to cause changes in the size of the interferometer equipment. The latest analysis of LIGO data, however, did not find any such signals, leading to new constraints on this particular dark matter model.

Scalar-field dark matter, also referred to as “fuzzy dark matter,” is a type of wave-like dark matter that is theorized to induce oscillations in fundamental constants such as the electron mass and the fine structure constant. These oscillations could result in matter expanding and contracting depending on the mass of the scalar-field particle.

Researchers, led by Alexandre Göttel from Cardiff University, UK, have examined data from LIGO’s third observing run (2019-2020) in search of these oscillation effects. While previous studies have also looked for similar signals, this analysis considered a wider range of effects to provide more comprehensive results. Göttel explains that although the scalar field would affect all matter, most of the effects would cancel out in LIGO, except for those related to the beam splitter. The absence of a signal at a frequency of 10 Hz in the data has led to the most stringent constraints to date on scalar-field dark matter with a mass of 10-13 eV/c2. The researchers intend to continue their search in future LIGO datasets and upcoming detectors.

This study sheds light on the ongoing efforts to understand dark matter and its potential influence on gravitational-wave observations. By exploring the interactions between scalar-field dark matter and gravitational wave detectors, researchers are pushing the boundaries of our knowledge in the field of physics.

As scientists delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, studies like this one contribute valuable information that can guide future research directions and help unravel the secrets of dark matter. The quest to uncover the nature of dark matter continues to drive scientific exploration and innovation in the field of physics, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and new avenues of exploration.