Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms: Not Just Chest Pain

When it comes to heart attacks, most people think of sudden, severe chest pain and difficulty breathing as the telltale signs. However, recent warnings from experts emphasize that the reality, especially for women, can be quite different. Dr. Lawrence Cunningham, a retired GP, has shed light on the fact that women often experience subtler symptoms that can be easily overlooked or mistaken for other ailments, leading to dangerous consequences.

**Unique Symptoms in Women**

Dr. Cunningham points out that women tend to overlook or misinterpret heart attack symptoms due to the traditional archetype of a heart attack being based on men’s experiences. While men typically experience the classic chest pain, women may present with less typical signs like nausea, fatigue, or shortness of breath. These atypical symptoms are often dismissed or attributed to stress or indigestion, delaying crucial medical intervention.

**Gender Disparities in Treatment**

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) highlighted alarming differences in heart attack treatment between men and women in the UK. Shockingly, women are 50% more likely to receive an incorrect initial diagnosis while having a heart attack, leading to a 70% higher risk of death for both men and women who are misdiagnosed. High blood pressure poses a particularly significant risk factor for women, increasing their chances of a heart attack by 80% more than it does for men.

**Silent Heart Attacks and Increased Risks**

Dr. Mariana Martinho from Portugal’s Hospital Garcia de Orta emphasized the need for greater awareness of heart disease risks in women. She stressed the importance of understanding why there is a gender disparity in prognosis after heart attacks to improve outcomes. Dr. Cunningham further highlighted the existence of “silent” heart attacks, which can occur without the classic chest pain symptom, affecting 20 to 60% of cases. This underscores the importance of paying attention to unusual symptoms like chest discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, light-headedness, or discomfort in the back, neck, jaw, or arms, especially if they are out of the ordinary for you.

As you go about your daily life, remember that heart attacks in women may not always present with the typical chest pain. Stay vigilant and listen to your body, seeking medical attention if you experience any unusual symptoms. Your health is precious, so don’t hesitate to prioritize it.