Navigating Non-Monogamy: Understanding Boundaries and Consent

In a society where monogamy is often seen as the standard relationship dynamic, some individuals like Kenna Bethany, 26, are challenging this norm by embracing non-monogamous relationships. Kenna, an actress from London, believes that monogamy is not for everyone and that different approaches work for different people. She has been open about her non-monogamous lifestyle, dating multiple partners at once, and prioritizing clear communication and consent in all her relationships.

Growing up, Kenna felt “weird” about monogamy, feeling claustrophobic in her first monogamous relationship during secondary school. It wasn’t until she was 14 that she realized she was non-monogamous, and by the time she was in year 11, she was seeing two boys simultaneously, who surprisingly were open to the arrangement. This early exploration paved the way for Kenna to embrace non-monogamy as her norm.

Since then, Kenna has continued to navigate non-monogamous relationships, describing her preference as being in a “hierarchical polyamory structure.” In this structure, she usually has a primary partner, whose relationship takes precedence, while also dating other individuals on equal footing. Kenna emphasizes the importance of setting clear parameters, including safe sex practices, full communication, and ensuring that no one is left in the dark.

For Kenna, the key to making non-monogamy work is being open, communicative, and respectful of the boundaries set with each partner. She believes that relationships are fluid and that jealousy can be managed through communication rather than closing off the relationship entirely. Kenna acknowledges that non-monogamy is often misunderstood and stigmatized, with many people mistakenly associating it with cheating or promiscuity.

Despite facing societal judgment and misconceptions, Kenna remains steadfast in her belief that non-monogamy is a valid and fulfilling relationship choice for those who are not suited to conventional monogamous dynamics. She advocates for more open conversations about non-monogamy, challenging societal norms and encouraging individuals to explore alternative relationship structures that align with their needs and desires.


The Evolution of Kenna’s Non-Monogamous Journey
Navigating Boundaries and Consent in Non-Monogamous Relationships
Challenging Societal Norms: The Importance of Open Communication and Respect

In conclusion, Kenna Bethany’s story sheds light on the complexities and nuances of non-monogamous relationships. By sharing her experiences and perspectives, she invites others to consider different relationship dynamics and approaches that may better align with their authentic selves. Ultimately, navigating non-monogamy requires a deep understanding of boundaries, consent, and open communication to create fulfilling and respectful connections with multiple partners.