Navigating Non-Monogamy: Honesty and Communication in Relationships

In a society where monogamy is often seen as the norm, there are individuals like Kenna Bethany who challenge this notion and embrace non-monogamous relationships. At 26 years old, Kenna has been exploring non-monogamy for several years and believes that honesty and communication are key in maintaining healthy relationships with multiple partners.

Kenna’s Journey to Non-Monogamy

For Kenna, the idea of being with just one person for the rest of her life simply doesn’t appeal to her. She believes that some people are not built for monogamy and that different approaches work for different individuals. Kenna first realized she was non-monogamous at the young age of 14, when she started seeing two boys simultaneously in high school. To her surprise, both boys were open to this arrangement, leading Kenna to explore non-monogamy further.

As she grew older, Kenna continued to embrace non-monogamy, dating multiple people at once while being upfront and honest with each of them. She describes her preference as being in a “hierarchical polyamory structure,” where she usually has a primary partner but also dates other individuals. Kenna believes that relationships are fluid and that jealousy can be managed through open communication rather than closing off the relationship entirely.

Setting Clear Parameters for Non-Monogamy

One of the key aspects of non-monogamy, according to Kenna, is setting clear parameters with each partner. This includes practicing safe sex, maintaining open communication, and ensuring that no one is left in the dark. Kenna emphasizes the importance of respecting boundaries and being transparent with all parties involved. She notes that even when dating someone who is used to non-monogamy, there are always issues to address and iron out in the relationship.

Despite the misconceptions surrounding non-monogamy, Kenna insists that it is not a “free for all” or an excuse to cheat. She stresses that staying within the agreed parameters is crucial in making non-monogamy work. Kenna believes that society lacks the language to fully describe the spectrum of relationship dynamics that individuals may enjoy, and she encourages more people to explore non-monogamy as a viable option.

Challenging Societal Norms

Kenna acknowledges that many relationships end due to cheating and other issues that could potentially be avoided through open discussions about non-monogamy. She believes that society’s emphasis on conventional relationship dynamics may not suit everyone and that more people should consider alternative approaches to relationships. Kenna advocates for having conversations about non-monogamy and believes that being open, communicative, and respectful of boundaries are essential in making it work.

Although Kenna’s friends are accepting of her non-monogamous lifestyle, she has yet to discuss it with her family. She only introduces her main partner to her family and does not see herself returning to monogamy anytime soon. Kenna values her independence and autonomy in her relationships, expressing that the traditional nuclear family structure does not align with her desires.

Exploring the Non-Monogamous Community

In her experience, Kenna has found that non-monogamy tends to attract a lot of neurodivergent individuals who do not conform to societal expectations. She believes that embracing non-monogamy allows individuals to live authentically and according to their own values, rather than following societal norms. Kenna hopes to connect with more like-minded individuals within the non-monogamous community and continue exploring different relationship dynamics.


Kenna Bethany’s journey navigating non-monogamy sheds light on the importance of honesty and communication in relationships. By challenging societal norms and embracing alternative approaches to love and connection, individuals like Kenna are paving the way for more open and honest discussions about non-monogamy. Through setting clear parameters, respecting boundaries, and prioritizing open communication, non-monogamous relationships can thrive and offer individuals the freedom to explore different forms of connection and intimacy.