The immersive theatrical version of George Orwell’s classic 1984 is set to return to Hackney’s Town Hall with exciting surprises for the audience. The show, where attendees become recruits of the Ministry of Truth, will feature fresh audiovisual, lighting, and video effects, along with a new cast including Dominic Carter and Joe Anderson.

Director Jack Reardon explains why Hackney Town Hall is the perfect setting for Orwell’s story, highlighting the grandeur and power of the space. The design of the building adds a priceless element to the immersive experience, making the audience feel more connected to the world of total surveillance depicted in the novel.

Reardon and his team have invested in a sensational design aspect for the production, incorporating AV, lighting, sound design, and live cameras to bring the idea of surveillance to life in a tangible way. The show promises to be a visceral experience, offering surprises and elements that go beyond traditional theatre.

Reflecting on the continued relevance of 1984, Reardon emphasizes the novel’s impact on pop culture and its ability to resonate with audiences today. The themes of surveillance and totalitarianism explored in the story are still prevalent in society, making the production a timely and thought-provoking experience for viewers.

Ultimately, Reardon hopes that audiences will be both excited and scared by the show, prompting them to reflect on the themes presented and recognize their presence in the world around them. Immersive 1984 at Hackney Town Hall is not just a theatre production, but an event that promises to be unlike anything else in the vicinity.

Pure Expression’s Immersive 1984 at Hackney Town Hall is scheduled to run from 1 October to 22 December, offering a unique and engaging theatrical experience for all attendees.